I found out something interesting about the wind today. At 32mph it will pick up road debris and pelt you with it so hard that you actually bleed.
62* and windy was the forecast, so of course I was going to ride outside today. I did the Audubon loop the easy way (20m round trip) because I didn't feel like tackling the hill yet. The entire way up was into the wind so I found a nice cadence and just put my head down. Around Betzwood I ran into Kevin and chatted with him for a moment. Once I got around Pawlings the wind was at my back until I turned up to go towards Audubon. From then on, the wind was just pummeling me. When I got to Norristown, the wind took off its gloves. At one point, while crossing the bridge into Bridgeport, I was doing 1mph and could barely turn the pedals. Felt like much more than 32mph in my face. As if the ride up into Bridgeport isn't bad enough when you're tired on a normal day, the wind just kept trying to stop me. Better luck next time punk.
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