27 March, 2012

I'm Just Not Ready

The Hell Of Hunterdon is this Saturday, and I'm just not ready for it.  Last week I went for one ride, and I haven't been on a bike since then.  Given, it was a 60 mile ride with Anna out to Green Lane on my CX bike, and 44 miles in I felt an agonizing *POP* in my knee.  Okay, if I'm completely honest, it happened two more times before I even got to my house, and it hurt to put weight on my right leg for the rest of the day.  It's what I was afraid of.

All of that isn't going to stop me from trying.  My reasoning to myself, and anyone else that will listen, is that the ride to Green Lane is almost completely flat, so I have to pedal all of the time, wearing down my knee.  Hunterdon will be all hilly, and the massive amount of stress I'm putting my knees under while going uphill will be offset by the downhill sections where I wont be pedaling at all.  My eyes are brown for a reason.

The game plan is to go out, ride as far as I can, and as soon as my knee hurts, stop and wait for the broom.  If that's 5 miles, 50 miles, or if I make it the whole way, I'm just going to ride as long as I can.  I'm riding on the shop ride on Tuesday (it will probably only be 21 miles because most of the shops customers don't ride in the winter) and then Thursday I'm going to do another ride, rest Friday, ride Hunterdon Saturday and then take off Sunday and Monday.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Yes. You MUST try, even if it means you will never walk again! Of course if you fuck your knee up I am still going to make you ride when you get out here.