24 February, 2009

Training Log

Today I did the CTS Climbing DVD workout again. It consists of a 5min warm up with 2 x 30sec sprints thrown in. Then you go for 5min in a hard gear at about 65rpm, followed by 5min in a really easy gear at about 90rpm. Rinse, wash, repeat a few times and then there's 10min of hard effort, 65rpm fun. After another 5min block of easy 90rpm spinning there's a 10min block where every minute I alternate from a hard 85rpm effort to a hard 65rpm effort. Then a cool down period and I stretch. There's a bunch of heart-rate nonsense in there that I can't really keep track of at the moment because Jen doesn't know where her heart-rate monitor is. If I believe all the rumors floating around my job, this Wednesday is the day they're shit-canning people, so I should know soon if I have a job or not. If I have a job come Thursday (assuming the lay-offs happen Wednesday) I will start looking for the Garmin computer so I can "Train Right!" as opposed to approximately training.

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